Health 5 min read

Top 3 Things To Remember When Talking To Your Kid About Periods

top 3 things to remember when talking to your kid about periods blog

Note: The term "daughter" is used throughout the article to symbolize a collective experience. Our purpose, however, is to guide and support you in navigating conversions about periods, regardless of your child’s gender identity.

As a parent, it can feel overwhelming to figure out how to talk to your kid about periods, especially if you don’t feel you have all the answers yourself. However, creating a safe space with your kid to share accurate period information, will set them up with the tools to protect them against misinformation, shame, and stigma. 

How to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Period

It’s valuable for you to educate your kids on their body parts and changes. Below are three easy things to remember, with a simple exercise, to help parents when talking to your kids about periods, whether for the first time or the 50th.

1. Have a conversation about periods early & often

  • Plan regular check-ins with your child to discuss their period, even if they haven't started their period yet. This will create trust and help you monitor that everything is going right with your child's cycle.

  • Ensure your kids know that talking with you is a safe space for all types of concerns, body changes, and puberty questions (even embarrassing ones)!

  • Remember all parents and caregivers, including men, can and should talk with their kids about periods. 

  • Remember all kids (regardless of gender) should know about periods. It's important for them to be educated on menstruation, to help alleviate the stigma surrounding menstrual health. 

  • Validate them. Period talk can be confusing, scary, or just downright awkward. Let your kids know it is okay to feel those emotions, and that they can express them accordingly.

2. Your

  • We all grew up with a different experience and relationship with our period or seeing the experiences other members of our family had. When talking to your kids about it, try to keep it neutral. This is an opportunity to not pass on any of your traumas or fears.

  • Your child's mental health is always important to keep in mind. Make sure to support their emotions and be a safe space for them to talk about how they feel.

  • Don’t make assumptions, ask them about what they know, don’t know, and have questions about. 

  • Educate your kids on what they don’t know. Learning about your body, period, and how it changes can be confusing.

  • Be calm and relaxed. Create a space where your kids are comfortable opening up to you and having an honest conversation. Be the support system they need. 

  • Think about leading the conversation as an open discussion rather than a lecture. Encourage your kids to participate, and have an open mind when talking with them.

3. Get into the facts

  • “Lady Bits”, “Downstairs”, “Hoo-haw” - we’ve all heard these terms and maybe even use them ourselves, but using euphemisms can send the message to your kid that they should be ashamed of their body. 

  • Teaching your kid proper and scientific terminology will give them the tools to communicate about their bodies with accuracy and confidence. 

  • Explain what a period is, why we get them, and that it is completely and totally normal. Don’t avoid the facts - fully educate your kids on what they need to know about their bodies.

  • Tell the truth about periods and dispel the myths about body parts, period products, and any other period myths you may know of.

  • Make sure your child knows about different period products available to them. They may feel more comfortable with one rather than the other. Support their boundaries, and help them understand what they need to know.

  • If you don’t know the answer to the questions they ask, research it together! This is a great opportunity to show that at all ages, we’re learning about our bodies. 

Talking to your child about periods doesn’t have to be awkward. By creating a comfortable environment for them, you can allow them to be open to asking questions that they might normally avoid. 

We hope these exercises and tips help you make puberty and period talk less awkward for you and your kids. Informing them on what is normal and best for their bodies will help them grow into empowered individuals. 

The information contained in this article should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your health care professional.
