
Why Is My Period Blood Slimy? Understanding Blood and Cervical Mucus

illustration of a slimy period droplet

Have you ever noticed and felt worried about your period blood looking a little... slimy? Before you panic, let’s clear something up. Seeing mucus mixed with period blood isn’t usually something to worry about. It can be a bit surprising, but it's a normal part of your menstrual cycle. Let's talk about the science of what’s really going on with period blood and mucus. 

what does it mean when period blood contains mucus? 

Noticing mucus mixed with your period blood might make you wonder what's going on. But don't worry –– it's usually a normal part of your menstrual cycle. 

Cervical mucus is a fluid that your body produces throughout the menstrual cycle to support conception, especially around ovulation. When you're most fertile, this mucus becomes thinner, clearer, and more slippery (similar to egg whites) to help sperm travel through the cervix.  

However, it’s possible for cervical mucus to mix with your menstrual blood, especially if your period overlaps with ovulation or if your cycle is irregular. This gives your flow a slimier, stringier texture and appearance.

causes of mucus in menstrual blood 

While seeing mucus in your period blood is usually normal after ovulation, there are several reasons why there is an increase in mucus or a noticeable change in its texture. Here are a few potential causes: 

  • hormonal changes - Throughout your menstrual cycle, your body experiences changes in hormone levels, specifically estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal imbalances may also cause an increase in cervical mucus, especially if you’re using certain hormonal contraceptives or experiencing conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

  • changes in the uterine lining - As your body sheds the uterine lining during your period, it's common for some mucus to go along with it. This can make your menstrual flow look different depending on the phase of your menstrual cycle. 

  • normal variations in discharge - Everyone’s cycle is a little different. The amount of vaginal discharge and mucus can vary depending on things like stress or diet. You might see more or less mucus in your period blood from cycle to cycle. 

While it’s normal to see mucus in your period blood, it's also important to know your body’s rhythms. If you’re noticing an unusual increase in mucus or other changes, it might be worth keeping track of the timing and discussing it with your healthcare provider. 

when to be concerned about mucus in period blood 

As mentioned earlier, period blood and mucus are usually harmless. However, there are times when it might be a sign of something more. If you notice any of the following symptoms along with slimy period blood, it might be a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider: 

  • unusual odor - If your period blood and mucus have an odd or strong odor, it could be a sign of an infection, like a vaginal infection or pelvic inflammatory disease. These conditions may come with other symptoms, such as abdominal pain or discomfort. 

  • changes in blood color - If your blood color suddenly shifts to something like gray, it may point to an issue, such as a bacterial infection.  

  • large blood clots - While it’s normal to see some clumps of blood during menstruation, if you’re experiencing period blood clots (larger than the size of a quarter) combined with mucus, this could be a sign of something like uterine fibroids or endometriosis. 

  • pain and abnormal bleeding - If you’re noticing ongoing pelvic pain or unusual spotting between periods, it could be worth checking in on. Sometimes these symptoms can be linked to things like ovarian cysts or fibroids. Be sure to keep an eye on how your body feels during your menstrual period, and know that there are ways to manage it if needed. 

managing your period with Thinx  

While period blood and mucus are not usually a cause for concern, it’s important to stay informed and track what’s normal for your body. For reliable protection, try Thinx period underwear to support you throughout all the ups and downs of your cycle. Thinx provides up to 12 hours of leakproof protection for different levels of menstrual flow, so you feel comfortable no matter what texture your period blood is. 

Our period underwear is a comfortable, reusable option that adjusts to your body’s needs, giving you confidence throughout your menstrual period. Check out our full range of period underwear and find the perfect fit for your flow! 


Very Well Health. Period blood color: Brown, pink, Bright red, and more 

Cleveland Clinic. Cervical mucus 

Healthline. Is stringy period blood a cause for concern?  
