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TWIF Vol. 44

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5 min read

TWIF Vol. 44 Photo

by Team Thinx | 05/26/2016

 1. Angelina Jolie to Become Visiting Professor at London School of Economics.

Always more than just a pretty face and accused home-wrecker (love you, Jen), multi-talented actor, director, humanitarian, women’s health advocate, and mother, Angelina Jolie, has accepted a position as a visiting professor at the London School of Economics for their new Women’s Studies program. The Renaissance woman will be guest lecturing for a course about women, peace, and security for the upcoming academic year. Wait, sooooo... is it too late to transfer? After being in the news for getting a preemptive, cancer-avoiding double mastectomy DESPITE having totally #bangable boobs that anonymous dudes on the Internet really liked imagining (“how could she!?” they demanded from their parents’ basements), along with other random acts of feminism and social justice, Angela Jolie Pitt is a fempowered icon of heroic proportions. Add this new gig to her impressive resumé and you’ve got a supershero for the ages.

2. Elaine Welteroth Becomes First Black E-I-C at Teen Vogue.

There’s only one glorious place where you can read how-tos for stenciling artwork into your own hair, and follow it up with an article about how much Miley regrets bleaching hers immediately after; ah, Teen Vogue, you are so special. This week, however, the mag skyrocketed to the top of our list of most fabulous companies when they announced their youngest-ever and first-ever black editor-in-chief, 29-year-old Elaine Welteroth. Damn, that was a lot of hyphens. Welteroth climbed the ladder from her position as Beauty and Health Director to her new seat on the throne like a boss (literally), and is already winning the hearts, minds, and makeup bags of TV readers everywhere. Not only is this a huge deal for women of color in the media business where marginalized voices have historically been silenced despite being the voices that need to be heard most, but we hope it also means that things like this (yikes on ice) will be avoided in the future. YAY Elaine, YAY Teen Vogue, YAY progress... rite?!?

3. Idina Menzel Comments on #GiveElsaAGirlfriend Campaign.

Frozen, Disney

In light of the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend hashtag campaign, fans of the film Frozen are all in a flurry about the potential for a lesbian Disney relationship, which would make it the First Time in Forever (actually, just the first time ever) that Disney would include a non-hetero couple in one of its storylines. But while this hashtag has been circulating for over a year, fans renewed their excitement this week when Idina Menzel, the voice behind (literal Ice Queen) Elsa, tossed her two cents into the convo, echoing fans’ interest in a little Disney gayification. LGBT+ activists are pushing this agenda because they see it as a potential tool for parents to talk to their kids about sexuality (ooooo, scary) and they believe young children deserve positive depictions of queer role models served up in a killer blue dress. We agree. Join me as I discuss this further and bare my soul for social justice here.

4. Three Women Risk Prison For Reproductive Justice in Northern Ireland.

At the THINX office, there are few things in this world that we love more than senior citizens with some serious ovaries--serious enough to turn themselves into the police to prove a point about birth control and women’s health in their native Northern Ireland. Consequently, you can probably imagine how positively tickled we were by a story this week about Diana King, Colette Devlin, and Kitty O'Kane; A.K.A. the badass biddies who did exactly that. In response to Northern Ireland’s notoriously uncompromising abortion laws that restrict women from obtaining abortions unless there are life-threatening complications (though it could be argued that forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term is life-threatening regardless, buuuuut we digress…), as well as to the recent incidence(s) of women taken to court for using abortion pills, these three regal retirees took some outlawed pills and ‘fessed up to their “crime” to get the attention of law enforcement and lawmakers alike. When asked why they decided to put themselves at risk of prison time, King spoke about how women need to be trusted with their personal decisions instead of being micro-managed by governments and third-parties. Justice. is. served! 

5. Women Protest Potential Peruvian Anti-Choice Law.

Also in the realm of fearless feminists standing up for reproductive rights around the globe was this week’s story about the women in Peru who went topless together in protest of a newly proposed anti-choice law, and were then met with police brutality. But before you go attributing their emotional response to their hormonal balance and their menstrual cycles (lol, jk. We know you’d never do that), take a look at what this new law would entail: women seeking abortions would be physically punished with 50 days of compulsory community service after the fact. And while we’re all about girl-gangs, we’re not so big on chain-gangs, so the potential law is a major downer. In typical ass-kicking and nipple-baring fashion, however, these women took a stand against their government with a peaceful protest (on their end at least), specifically calling out anti-abortion politician Keiko Fujimori with body paint, posters, and chants. Even though their chests have been blurred in almost every image online, their message is clear: my body, my rules, fools!

by Team Thinx

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