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This Week in Feminism: Vol. 05

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This Week in Feminism: Vol. 05 Photo

by Team Thinx | 08/27/2015

Fierceness and feminism come in many forms, fam.(And alliteration is always ace.)

1. The New Rangers in Town.

Welcome to the future, where "fight like a girl" is the best compliment you can receive. Outdated gender stereotypes had a run for their money this past week as Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver were awarded their Ranger Tabs upon graduation from Ranger School, making them the first-ever female Army Rangers. We're SO happy for Griest and Haver, we can hardly stand it. But, unlike some people, we simply aren't surprised that two women were able to fill (and conquer) what is traditionally a "masculine" role. Sorry not sorry. Here's to many more ladies rising in the ranks and dismantling sexism within the military. Equally important: we're definitely not the only ones whose prayers for real-life versions of the Pink Ranger have finally been answered, right...?

2. Fat Women Bad! Sexism Good!

ICYDK, women are harassed for just, like, existing on the Internet. Srsly, the web can be gr8 if you're looking to restore your un-faith in humanity. Case in point: This week’s dose of misogyny comes in the form of “Project Harpoon," a campaign run by (presumably) cave-dwelling meninists who have nothing better to do but photoshop pictures of plus-size models and celebrities against their will to make them appear “thinner, more attractive, and, well, normal.” An unnamed man behind the campaign says it was meant to promote the concept of “#ThInnerBeauty” and to show how “free speech is dead in the U.S.” Safe to say the only dead thing in this equation is your sex life, good sir. Ziiiiiiing.

3. Rowan Blanchard Just GETS IT.

Rowan Blanchard, star of the super fun nostalgia trip otherwise known as “Girl Meets World,” has just proven to the world that tweenage girls win at life (which is impressive considering, ya know, navigating puberty, sexism, beauty standards, and being the only one out of your friends not to be asked to the school dance... raise a glass if you still suffer middle-school-related night sweats???). On her Instagram this past week, Blanchard posted a detailed case for intersectional feminism, noting how police brutality, racial injustice, and trans rights should be part of the feminist agenda in a big way. While many adult celebrities refuse to talk about feminism, Blanchard’s words make us feel way (WAY) better about the future, and got many a "YAS" from our team. Obvi.

Image by Maria Eklind

4. Don't Rain on The Nipple-Parade.

OK, so the Free The Nipple campaign has received some criticism over the years, but we still think it’s important, and apparently so do the women who, despite the rainy weather, participated in International Go Topless Day this past week in New Hampshire. Not even cloudy skies could inhibit boobage in the name of feminism! In a world where rape culture is so pervasive, and women’s bodies are sexualized, commodified,  and dehumanized, we can get behind any attempt to destigmatize boobies. However, it's important to remember that all boobies are created equal (whether brown, black, big, small, fiercely average, young, or old). And all nipples deserve to be free; not just conventionally attractive celebrity nipples. This way, we can really ~nip~ sexism in the bud. Haha. Boob humor.

5. All-Woman Yazidi Brigade vs. ISIS.

The mere mention of the word "ISIS" is enough to have any of us shaking in our boots--and for good reason. However, some Yazidi women who have had enough of its bullying are taking matters into their own hands. The Sun Girls, an all-woman fighting brigade started by Xate Shingali, a popular Yazidi folk singer in Iraq, plan to exact revenge on the terrorist organization in the name of patriotism and female sexual autonomy. Last year, ISIS took over 5,000 Yazidi women hostage and then forced them into sex slavery, which is just one chilling example of its sexually exploitative tactics. We're so in awe of the bravery of these women. Honestly––our sheroes 5ever.

by Team Thinx

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