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TWIF: Vol. 12

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TWIF: Vol. 12 Photo

by Team Thinx | 10/15/2015

Image via CNN

1. #DemDebate.

'Twas the night before the 2016 Democratic Debate, when all through the House, not a creature was stirring, because Congress is gridlocked and they get nothing done. Brb, whining about the government for forever. Yup, you guessed it: congressional gridlock was one of the many issues discussed and debated at the #DemDebate this past Tuesday, alongside immigration reform, military intervention in the Middle East, incarceration reform and racial injustice, and, drum roll please...paid family leave! Huzzah! In fact, the debate gave rise to a handful of feminist moments, mostly form our favorite pantsuit (big shocker). Big shout out, though, to Bernie; enough with the #damnemails. The real winner of the night? Anderson Cooper's glasses.

2. International Day of the Girl Child.

TBH, we’d let Michelle Obama DJ any day of the year--but having her curate a list of girl-power songs for the 4th annual International Day of the Girl Child was just more special. This femtacular holiday, observed last Sunday, is meant to celebrate girls and women, but also to highlight the ongoing adversity that we continue to face around the world. With a theme like “The Power of the Adolescent,” it only made sense to have speakers like Malala Yousafzai pressuring world leaders to step up their fempowerment game. Mmmm, do ya smell that? That’s the sweet scent of global feminism. Also maybe some mac n’ cheese. #srynotsry

Image by Gage Skidmore

3. JLaw Tackles Tinsle Town.

A haiku for any cave people out there who haven’t caught up on social issues over the past 6,000 years: Girls make less money. Girls do as much as boys do. Girls make less than boys. Now that we’re all on the same page, we can all fangirl equally over Jennifer Lawrence’s kickass Lenny Letter absolutely destroying Hollywood’s culture of gender discrimination. It’s honestly pretty shocking (in a welp-I’m-not-surprised-but-this-really-sucks kinda way) when you read her letter. Of course, as we’ve learned in the past, the issue of the wage gap is often much more complex than it’s presented by the mainstream; yes, women as a whole make less than men, but it’s important to note that white women almost always make more than black women, who almost always make more than latina and hispanic women. The hierarchy of pay may be complicated, but it’s pretty clear: discrimination exists, but powerful ladies like JLaw (and apparently Emma Watson!) are dedicated to changing that. 

4. What About Women Behind the Camera?

OK, yes it has its problems; but all is not lost on Hollywood yet. This week, while homegirl was busy writing about women in front of the camera, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) began an investigation into the types of discrimination faced by women behind the camera. Pressured by the ACLU Women’s Rights Project, the EEOC is addressing gender inequality in the film industry for the first time in over 30 years. Outcomes of the investigation are currently unclear, but expect a box office and a concession stand at the courtroom where the class action lawsuit against Hollywood’s Most Sexist will (hypothetically) take place. *cue The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”*

5. Ada Lovelace Says to Love Ladies.

After it was revealed this past weekend that male scientists receive, on average, twice as much financial support to begin their careers than their female peers, the female science community really needed a pick-me-up. Thank Goddess it was Ada Lovelace Day on Tuesday, otherwise things would be pretty bleak rn. A day all about appreciating women in STEM fields, this international holiday also serves to remind us that the first computer programmer was actually a lady (Ada Lovelace) and that the accomplishments of incredible female scientists tend to be overlooked by historians and contemporaries alike. Bet you wanna go give every female scientist you know a big high five (and maybe some funding?) in honor of Lovelace, huh?

by Team Thinx

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