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Are Yoni Eggs All They’re Cracked Up to Be?

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Thinx - Periodical - Are Yoni Eggs All They're Cracked Up To Be?

by Team Thinx | 11/21/2018

If you somehow managed to miss the Goop controversy about yoni eggs and/or have no idea what a yoni egg even is (welcome 👋), they’re egg-shaped crystals you can insert into your vagina. Why would you or anyone you know do such a thing? Because they’ve *allegedly* been used for thousands of years to enhance sexual prowess, youth, and vitality—three traits most of us would call desirable.

These days, yoni eggs are pushed by tons of manufacturers and wellness blogs as an ancient solution for everything from vaginal tightening, to period cramps, to achieving better orgasms, to ending bladder leaks. Gynos and women’s health professionals are up in arms about what the internet says these eggs are capable of, but some women who have used jade eggs swear they’ve built a better relationship with their bod as a result. Today’s question: To egg or not to egg?

I got answers across party lines from Lindsey Vestal, our pelvic health expert, and Vanessa Cuccia, the founder of jade egg company, Chakrubs. I learned there’s definitely a responsible way—and many, many irresponsible ways—to use jade eggs.

when *not* to put crystals in your vag

Honestly, if you’re someone who’s experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction (leaking and painful sex are just two of many possible symptoms), yoni eggs are a pretty hard no for you. Lindsey explains that one of her biggest trepidations around yoni eggs is that they perpetuate the same problematic ideas about our pelvic floor as Kegels.

Think about it: Yoni eggs are pretty heavy (they’re crystals, y’all) and most women think they’re supposed to leave them in for extended periods of time. That’s kind of like thinking you’ll build your biceps by walking around flexing them all day. The reality is that clenching your muscles for extended periods of time will cause fatigue, which can lead to soreness, pain, and general intensity of your symptoms.

Doctors also regularly warn of the dangers of any rock sitting in your canal. Because they’re porous, yoni eggs can be tough to clean thoroughly, which means you can put yourself at risk for infections like toxic shock syndromeand bacterial vaginosis.

As a purveyor of authentic jade eggs, Vanessa is also adamant that it’s “always a good idea to speak to your doctor before starting a practice as intimate as this.” She also adds that if you opt for an egg, purchasing it from a trusted source is super important. So many people are churning ‘em out these days that it’s easy to wind up with an egg that’s not made from crystal at all, which means you’re likely just squeezing some good ole’ translucent kitchen marble.

when to *possibly* put crystals in your vag

So if yoni eggs aren’t a proven cure for pelvic floor maladies, and they’ve been associated with legitimate medical risks, why bother? Vanessa explains that “an intentional practice with the egg strengthens the relationship people have with their vaginas,” which doesn’t sound like such a bad thing. They key word there, though, is “intentional.”

Lindsey says she’s never suggested a client incorporate jade eggs in their practice, and she’s never, ever known yoni eggs to improve a client’s medical condition. That said, she’s open-minded. What yoni eggs *do* offer is a chance to feel a little more connected with an area of your body—and with an allegedly ancient practice—that you might feel kind of dissociated from. If you’ve used a yoni egg and feel a particular connection to it, she can help re-incorporate it into your practice *after* the root of your pelvic floor dysfunction has been addressed, and *if* it’s deemed medically safe for your bod to squeeze crystals again.

Yoni eggs aren’t lethal weapons, but doctors warn against them for good reason. They aren’t medically-endorsed solutions for pelvic floor dysfunction (or medical maladies) of any kind, and if they’re used irresponsibly they can be dangerous. If you do want to connect with your down under and you opt for eggin’ around, make sure you consult with your doctor and always, always, always purchase from a trusted source.

What do you think? To egg or not to egg?

This article originally appeared in The Iconic.

by Team Thinx

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